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 Brenda Barker

Brenda says "I’m a watercolour artist from wild Northumberland

- inspired by nature.

Originally from North Norfolk, I have always loved to be in the countryside and close to nature. 

Wild Northumberland and I are a good fit.


My career

As a student in Newcastle, I graduated in Graphic Design. 

Staying ‘up north’, I have been a Graphic Designer all my working life.


My art

Inspired by my passion for the natural world, and the things I have learned from the people I’ve met, I started painting small watercolours. 

I like to focus in, looking closely at my subject, learning as I go and reflecting the atmosphere in the background.

Butterflies - I started with those I could find and photograph in Northumberland and the North."

Peacock Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly

Orange-Tip Butterfly

Orange-Tip Butterfly

Painted Lady Butterfly

Painted Lady Butterfly

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